Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goals for Summer 2011

1. New Job - I am not currently unemployed.  I am not in a job that I hate.  Actually I love my current job.  Why the job search then?  Well, I spent many years and tears working on my Master's, and although I am happy and comfy where I am now, it is time to move on and grow... And when I talk about bigger and better things, I am (of course) referring to my paycheck (hopefully!).
2. Lose Weight - Last November I hopped on the Weight Watchers weight loss train.  Choo!  Choo!  I was a star member dropping 18 lbs by mid January.  Then I went on vacation and I've been on that vacation ever since.  Fortunately I have not gained any of the weight back, but I have not been able to successfully get back in to it.  I'd like to drop another 20 lbs.
3. Musical Rooms - I want to move my son into the spare bedroom, move my daughter into my son's room.  I think that transition is ambitious enough, but I do have more plans for afterwards...  We've been in this house for 7 years.  It's time to mix things up.  I'm getting ansy!

4. Mini Man's 4th Birthday Party - I am not one of those moms who throws fabulous parties.  I am one of those moms who wants and tries to throw those parties.  So, although fabulosity most likely won't be achieved, I would like my son to think his party was pretty awesome.  He wants a shark party this year.

5. Fun Family Vacation - Shockingly we do not have any family vacations planned right now.  Because of the job search everything is so up in the air - money, schedules, etc.  I hope that this doesn't rule our summer and we find a way to have at least one (or two) awesome summer getaways!


My First Working Mommy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. i love all your goals!!! rearranging rooms can be tough but fun. we just moved my son into the room with my daughter, so now i have a (sorta) spare room ... basically just a junk catcher right now.
