Saturday, June 18, 2011

Do You Ever Wonder?

How did you turn out?  Are you a direct product of your parents?  A blend of them?  Definitely one?  Definitely not the other?  Do you find yourself saying things, then thinking "OMG, I sound just like my mother/father?"

I had my theories, but after spending 5 straight days - just me, my mother, my two little ones, and sometimes my (childless) sister, I find myself wondering... where did I come from?!  How did I (and my two siblings) survive childhood?  Is this what my kids are going to think of me when they grow up?

First off, please don't take this the wrong way.  I love my mother dearly.  But there is something about sleep deprivation, frustration from my post surgery limitations, a very busy "vacation" schedule, and 30 hours in a car with a 2 year old and 3.5 year old that bring out the worst in people. 

Seriously, before changing lanes (and during 30 hours there are several lane changes!) she would ask once, twice, sometimes more... "can I move over now?  How about now?  Is there a car there?"  Really?  Can you not see?  Although we had many things in the vehicle, there were no additional blind spots.  What do you do when you are in the car alone?!  Before I get into more driving issues, I would like to point out that my mother is not older.  Granted she is old enough to be a grandmother, she had me we she was in her early twenties and I was mid twenties when I started making babies.  Also, w

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