Have you seen The Hangover Part II? Well, this post's title is a little shout out to the movie; a line I stole from it. I have to say, the hubs and I did not find the first Hangover movie that funny. Perhaps it's because everyone else in the world saw it before us and could not help but build it up to be the funniest movie ever (which, albeit hilarious, is not the funniest movie of all time). Perhaps it's because we were severely sleep deprived with a 1 month and 21 month old at home and I had to pump in the car during our little outing to the drive in. Or perhaps it's because we were in a terrible mood after having watched the first movie in our drive in line up... "Year One." (that was the most painful 97 minutes of my life... and mind you I had just given birth to an eight pounder with her hands above her head.)
Anyhow, despite our disappointment in the first Hangover, we felt compelled to see the sequel as it takes place in Bangkok - the very place we had spent an amazing 10 days this past January. It would be like reliving our little adventure. Seriously, if you have time, energy, and cash - go to Thailand. It truly is amazing. In addition, you should go see The Hangover II. It is also well worth your time. But this movie has nothing to do with today's post, just the title. Man... can I get side tracked, or what?!
I have decided on my first "theme" day. I am often told that many enjoy the little tidbits from my daily life in facebook statuses, tweets, and little stories I force those around me to listen to. I find that fact is typically stranger and more entertaining than fiction. You know, those little stories that you hear and think "you can't make this s@#$ up!" Hopefully my Tuesdays don't involve many of those stories, but I can guarantee they will contain many "Kids Say the Darndest Things" moments -just like today's!
So here it is... My first "True Story Tuesday"
My son is sitting at the table, refusing (yet again) to touch even a piece of his dinner. He comes up with a plethora of reasons why he can't or should not have to eat, and then hopes to carry one of these reasons far enough on a tangent to distract us, skip eating dinner, and get outside to play some more. The one he is currently working on involves a theory that the steak he is being asking to eat is too large to fit in his mouth. Now mind you (per his request earlier in the meal) his meat is already cut up into microscopic pieces... any smaller and the meat would be considered a puree.
Mini Man: Mom, can I have a knife?
Mean Mom: No.Mini Man: Why not?
Mean Mom: (sarcastic tone) Because you are three!!
Mini Man: (nervous laugh) Oh, I forgot. (well played pause) So, can I have one when I am four?Mean Mom: No, buddy. I think we will hold off on knives for a little longer...
True story. Took place in my dining room just 24 hours ago. Never a dull moment.